Audiomodern updates Playbeat to v2.1, Chroma New Age & Cinematic Vocals released

Audiomodern has announced an update to the Playbeat 2 creative groove randomizer plugin that generates beats and patterns for you. Version 2.1 now allows you to create and save custom ‘Kits’ and trigger drum machines through combined MIDI o…

Audiomodern updates Playbeat to v2.1, Chroma New Age & Cinematic Vocals released

Audiomodern Playbeat 2

Audiomodern has announced an update to the Playbeat 2 creative groove randomizer plugin that generates beats and patterns for you. Version 2.1 now allows you to create and save custom ‘Kits’ and trigger drum machines through combined MIDI output. Unlike an ordinary step sequencer, Playbeat creates patterns using algorithmic and random procedures for generating notes […]

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