Ghost Syndicate’s Spiders mid tempo bass music sample pack launched

Ghost Syndicate has launched its new sample pack Spiders, a mid tempo bass music collection of loops and samples inspired by artists like Rezz, 1788-L, Blanke and others. You’ve got fat synthetic kicks & whopping snares to get the beat going; blar…

Ghost Syndicate’s Spiders mid tempo bass music sample pack launched

Ghost Syndicate’s Spiders mid tempo bass music sample pack launched

Ghost Syndicate has launched its new sample pack Spiders, a mid tempo bass music collection of loops and samples inspired by artists like Rezz, 1788-L, Blanke and others. You’ve got fat synthetic kicks & whopping snares to get the beat going; blaring distorted tops & mad pumping cymbals; the above constitutes a solid a rhythmic […]

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