8Dio launches Studio Series Fire Trombone and Smiley Drum (FREE)

8Dio has announced the release of the Studio Series Kontakt instrument library Fire Trombone, a solo trombone instrument from The Bible of Pop Latin & Salsa Volume III. The Fire Trombone utilizes all our latest deep-sampling technologies, includin…

8Dio launches Studio Series Fire Trombone and Smiley Drum (FREE)


8Dio launches Studio Series Fire Trombone and Smiley Drum (FREE)

8Dio has announced the release of the Studio Series Kontakt instrument library Fire Trombone, a solo trombone instrument from The Bible of Pop Latin & Salsa Volume III. The Fire Trombone utilizes all our latest deep-sampling technologies, including world’s first true polyphonic legato and ability to switch between six unique legato styles in real-time. Slow. […]

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