RV Samplepacks launches Dystopian Futures sample pack by Jozef K

RV Samplepacks has announced the release of its latest sample pack Dystopian Futures, a collection of royalty free sounds from esteemed House and Techno wizard Jozef K. The pack comes with a clear focus on end-times sonics and deep, forward thinking Te…

RV Samplepacks launches Dystopian Futures sample pack by Jozef K


RV Samplepacks launches Dystopian Futures sample pack by Jozef K

RV Samplepacks has announced the release of its latest sample pack Dystopian Futures, a collection of royalty free sounds from esteemed House and Techno wizard Jozef K. The pack comes with a clear focus on end-times sonics and deep, forward thinking Techno synthetics. Jozef K’s records have been played by Michael Mayer, The Black Madonna, […]

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