Flandersh Tech Release Dynamension – A FREE Download

Flandersh Tech have released Dynamension, a dynamics processor available as a FREE download. Breaking up the ordinary structure of compressors and expanders, Dynamension make it possible to feed the main path, sidechain and gain control with creative effects. If you have dreamed about controlling the delay time with the momentary loudness of your track or…

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Flandersh Tech have released Dynamension, a dynamics processor available as a FREE download.

Breaking up the ordinary structure of compressors and expanders, Dynamension make it possible to feed the main path, sidechain and gain control with creative effects. If you have dreamed about controlling the delay time with the momentary loudness of your track or just want some instrument compression or a gentle hard-knee limiter, Dynamension is for you.

Features include:

  • Compressor, Gate and Expander
  • Dynamic EQ and Dynamic Delay
  • Peak, RMS and Momentary Loudness Detector
  • Modular main path and side chain
  • High Quality Hard-Knee Limiter
  • Mid/Side Option

Dynamension is available to Windows users (VST3).

For more information and to download Dynamension, click here: 

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The post Flandersh Tech Release Dynamension – A FREE Download appeared first on The Beat Community.

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