Mela 3 & NFM By Nikolozi Are On Offer

To celebrate the release of today’s Mela 5 update, Nikolozi has reduced the price of Mela 3 and NFM for a limited time. The offers end June 2nd. Mela 3 Mela is an intuitive virtual analog synthesiser and multi-effects processor with a streamlined interface. It can be loaded either as an instrument, audio effect or…

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To celebrate the release of today’s Mela 5 update, Nikolozi has reduced the price of Mela 3 and NFM for a limited time. The offers end June 2nd.

  • Mela 3 – from $19.99 to $9.99
  • NFM – from $14.99 to $7.49

Mela 3

Mela is an intuitive virtual analog synthesiser and multi-effects processor with a streamlined interface. It can be loaded either as an instrument, audio effect or a MIDI processor plug-in inside a host application such as AUM, BeatMaker, Cubasis, GarageBand, Ableton Live or Logic Pro.

If you begin working on a track in GarageBand on your iPhone or iPad, and later open the project in Logic Pro on your Mac, then all instances of Mela, Mela FX and Mela MIDI plug-ins will load just as you left them on your iOS device.


NFM is an intuitive FM synthesiser with a streamlined interface. It works as an Audio Unit Extension (aka AUv3 plug-in) inside host applications such as AUM, Cubasis, GarageBand and Logic Pro.

For more information on these and other Nikolozi appss, click here:

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