BaconPaul releases Six Sines, an Open-Source TX81Z-inspired FM synth plugin

BaconPaul has released Six Sines, a free and open-source TX81Z that was inspired by the FM synth plugin. FM synthesis is a somewhat divisive topic; some love it, some hate it, and others don’t understand all the fuss. There’s no denying th…

BaconPaul releases Six Sines, an Open-Source TX81Z-inspired FM synth plugin

BaconPaul releases Six Sines, an Open-Source TX81Z-inspired FM synth plugin

BaconPaul has released Six Sines, a free and open-source TX81Z that was inspired by the FM synth plugin. FM synthesis is a somewhat divisive topic; some love it, some hate it, and others don’t understand all the fuss. There’s no denying the power of FM synthesis, even if synths like the Yamaha DX7 gained fans [...]

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