Behringer Waves, Mutable Instruments Tides function generator clone is available now
Behringer Waves is a clone/replica of the popular open-source Mutable Instruments Tides function generator and is available now. Alongside the...
Behringer Waves is a clone/replica of the popular open-source Mutable Instruments Tides function generator and is available now. Alongside the...
Squarp Instruments xp32 is a new CV expander that supercharges the Hermod+ multi-track sequencer for Eurorack with 32 customizable outputs....
In this in-depth Logic Pro sampler guide, we explore Quick Sampler, Sampler, and Sample Alchemy and discuss how they can...
Audiomodern has released an update for its free virtual instrument platform. Version 1.0.7 of Soundbox introduces the much-requested Round-Robin feature....
As part of its 13th anniversary promotion, Plugin Boutique is offering an exclusive discount on JMG Sound’s kick toolkit created...
Plugin Boutique is offering a discount on XLN Audio’s transient shaper effect plugin as part of its 13th anniversary celebration....
Toontrack has announced the release of a new expansion of grooves and fills for its virtual drum instruments. Performed by...
KSD Studio Monitors have announced the launch of a new and updated version of one of their popular active three-way nearfield...
Soul Rush Records has released royalty free sample pack that brings the atmosphere of authenticity with found sounds thoughtfully collected...
BOOM Library has announced the latest expansion of its general sound effects collection, adding over 500 new sound files and...