Tiagolr Ripplerx, an open-source, free physical modeling Synthesizer plugin à la Chromaphone

Tiagolr Ripplerx is a new open-source, free physical modeling Synthesizer plugin à la Chromaphone for macOS, Linux, and Windows. It’s no secret that I’m a massive fan of physical modeling synthesis. It’s one of the […]
The post Tiag…


Tiagolr Ripplerx is a new open-source, free physical modeling Synthesizer plugin à la Chromaphone for macOS, Linux, and Windows. It’s no secret that I’m a massive fan of physical modeling synthesis. It’s one of the [...]

The post Tiagolr Ripplerx, an open-source, free physical modeling Synthesizer plugin à la Chromaphone appeared first on SYNTH ANATOMY.

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