u-he updates Presswerk dynamics effect plugin to v1.1.6

u-he has announced an update to its dynamics processor with musical soul. Version 1.1.6 of Presswerk includes support for the latest hardware and operating systems, CLAP and native AAX, improved GUI performance, and more. Presswerk is more than an emul…

u-he updates Presswerk dynamics effect plugin to v1.1.6


u-he updates Presswerk dynamics effect plugin to v1.1.6

u-he has announced an update to its dynamics processor with musical soul. Version 1.1.6 of Presswerk includes support for the latest hardware and operating systems, CLAP and native AAX, improved GUI performance, and more. Presswerk is more than an emulation of a single hardware compressor. Like Satin, Presswerk is a toolkit, drawing ideas and inspiration [...]

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