AIR played Moon Safari at Royal Albert Hall – the synth setup
AIR played the iconic Moon Safari album integrally last May at the Royal Albert Hall: here is the live performance...
AIR played the iconic Moon Safari album integrally last May at the Royal Albert Hall: here is the live performance...
Zoom LiveTrak L6 is a new portable, battery-powered 10-channel digital mixer and recorder designed for jams and live sessions. New...
Igor Vasiliev LoopMangler is a new experimental multi-FX processor powered by a glitch processor for iOS and macOS. If you...
Full Bucket Music DrumTraqs is a new free plugin that emulates the Sequential Circuits Drumtraks drum computer from 1984. At...
Polyverse Music Filterverse is a new filter plugin powered by various classic and experimental filter types and supported by deep...
Knobcon 2024: Boredbrain Music Optx v2 is a new 10HP bi-direction 8-in/8-out DC-coupled ADAT interface module for Eurorack. At Superbooth...
Eternal Research Demon Box is a mysterious black box that turns electromagnetic fields into fascinating, varied soundscapes, now on Kickstarter. We...
Knobcon 2024: Michigan Synth Works MSW-830 is a new monophonic analog Synthesizer that extends the concept of the Roland CMU-810....
Roland AIRA P-6 is a new compact, battery-powered creative sampler with live sampling capabilities and granular synthesis. Roland has not...
GS Music Bree6, a desktop 6-voice analog polyphonic Synthesizer from Argentina initially announced at KnobCon (2024) is available now. Just...