Finn Mitchell-Anyon Releases Droplets
Finn Mitchell-Anyon has released Droplets, a physics-based sequencer, available for $20.00. The plugin simulates droplets falling at musical intervals, bouncing...
Finn Mitchell-Anyon has released Droplets, a physics-based sequencer, available for $20.00. The plugin simulates droplets falling at musical intervals, bouncing...
Imaginando have reduced the desktop and iOS prices of BAM for a limited time. The desktop version is now only...
Plugin Boutique are offering 50% off StereoSavage 2 for a limited time, now only £29.00 / $36.89, (usually £59.00 /...
ADSR have reduced the price of Dynameter by MeterPlugs for a limited time, now only £65.27, (usually £93.24). The offer...
Finn Mitchell-Anyon has introduced a physics-based sequencer that offers a new way to create organic musical patterns. Droplets simulates droplets...
Meat Beats has recently launched a virtual instrument featuring a collection of 70 authentic vinyl drum kits for house music,...
Plugin Boutique is offering a discount on Solid State Logic’s workflow-oriented correctional tool for precision sibilance reduction and high-frequency control....
Arthur Freye and Jannis Müller have released Qsynthi, available as a FREE download. Uncover quantum soundscapes, experience the sonic potential...
Solid State Logic have released SSL DeEss, available at the intro price of $29.99 + tax, increasing to $119.99 +...
VST Alarm has announced that a purchase of any current deal comes with a free copy of the deFORM 2...