Befaco’s new analog multi-effect Fx Boy module uses Game Boy cartridges
Befaco's new Fx Boy multi-effects module uses Game Boy cartridges as add-ons, and some of our favorite manufacturers are involved....
Music Production Information
Befaco's new Fx Boy multi-effects module uses Game Boy cartridges as add-ons, and some of our favorite manufacturers are involved....
Chair Audio quietly launched a new plug-in, and it's both free and wonderful. EXC!TE CYMBAL is, no exaggeration, realistic enough...
Analog, digital... we're onto the physical, kinetic, and electroacoustic. For one example, marvel at the Polystepper by artist/woodworker Love Hultén...
ReBirth, the software recreations of the TB-303 and TR-808, helped launch Propellerhead (now Reason Studios) and demonstrated acid could be...
Free meets free: in a labor-of-love community project, soft synth Surge XT is now available as an exquisitely designed set...
I swear this isn't a parody. It's just Jan Hammer going full-on Miami Vice to his own theme. There are...
Calling Bandcamp addicts who DJ: this clever browser extension adds a DJ-style tempo slider to Bandcamp's Web interface. It's already...
Black-led, female-led, New York-based Willie Mae Rock Camp is providing inspiration to female and gender nonbinary musicians. Executive director LaFrae...
What a way to go out. Mutable Instruments discontinues production this month, but leaves a reshaped modular landscape, a real...
Eat your heart out, Roland V-Accordion. Meet the Commodordion, an 8-bit chip instrument with bellows made of floppies and gaffer...