Error Instruments’ Loopman is an experimental cassette Walkman instrument
Also from the mad genius of Error Instruments - Loopman is a Walkman-style tape record player-looper, modded for speed manipulation,...
Music Production Information
Also from the mad genius of Error Instruments - Loopman is a Walkman-style tape record player-looper, modded for speed manipulation,...
This summer, across four continents and eight time zones, artists have gone beyond just playing in virtual reality. They've been...
It’s not a clone – have been so complete in their recreation of the TR-808, that the results will...
It's the basis of a lot of the live coding scene, and an unmatched powerhouse, free and open source. And...
Draw a synthesizer with another synthesizer with MIDI by playing a keyboard and... well, GLASYS surely just won the music...
Enigmatic Dutch synth inventor Gijs Gieskes has a musical instrumental response to the strangeness of late capitalism – and it’s...
No budget for an electronic drum kit? No problem. Brian Bamanya reports from Uganda on how to DIY the whole...
What happens when you cross 3D tutorial, machinima animation, and Unreal Engine's MetaHuman Creator human capture tools? Well, a bunch...
Artists just did the unthinkable - make a complete audiovisual demo on just a 1982 floppy drive, without the computer....
None of this is legal or licensed... or real. Some of it is straight-up impossible. But this fanciful library of...