DIY + Unusual

Here’s some lovely music in the woods, on monome norns arcologies and more

It’s a rig in the dirt, on a budget, with some beautiful music. DIY forest sounds are go. Now that...

The experimental sound tech program teaching girls and nonbinary kids that embraces errors

Imagine not just embracing girls and nonbinary and queer trans kids as music students - but encouraging DIY, hot-wiring a...

Miller Puckette, creator of Max and Pd, on how he’s patching his way to remote collaboration

Miller Puckette, the original creator of Max and Pure Data, has been working on keeping connected remotely, too. In this...

Instrumental inventions, from LEGO microtonal guitar to deconstructed tuba, at Guthman prize

Bored by the Grammys? Try the Guthmans instead. The Guthman Musical Instrument Competition has selected its award winners, as musicians...

Watch this entertaining how-to on hacking Mutable’s Plaits for just intonation

It's like esoteric music tech bingo: Mutable Instruments Eurorack meets just intonation meets open source meets virtualization meets microprocessor programming...