Deluge synth-sequencer-sampler open-source community firmware is here
The Synthstrom Audible Deluge, a grid-based synth/sequencer/sampler, has its first official open-source, community-developed firmware - "and it's huge," the makers...
The Synthstrom Audible Deluge, a grid-based synth/sequencer/sampler, has its first official open-source, community-developed firmware - "and it's huge," the makers...
Mindmeld Shapemaster Pro is a must-have add-on for the VCV Rack modular environment. It's a multi-stage envelope generator, VCA, and...
The perfect MIDI visualizer keeps growing by leaps and bounds. New open-source tool ShowMIDI shows MIDI data in a structured,...
This live visual newcomer is off to a promising start: live DMX lighting, generative visuals (with video and photos), MIDI...
Ardour 8 has arrived with easier editing, automation, improved tempo mapping, arpeggiators, Launchpad Pro controller support, and more. The DAW...
So far, it's got just two DAWs behind it - Bitwig Studio and PreSonus Studio One - but DAWproject's creators...
ffmpeg is a powerful but sometimes daunting free and open source video command line tool. Developer Sam Lavigne has found...
Social media is boring; news is depressing. Open up a browser tab and distract yourself from work with this acid...
Patch sheets and synth overlays too often assume sighted users - so how do you make them accessible for people...
monome - the iconic grid and the project that produced it - are having a nice summer. Hardware is being...