Djammin Is A New FREE Music Collaboration App For iOS And Android
Djammin is a free music collaboration app created by keyboardist Marc Kubbinga. The app is a free download for iOS...
Djammin is a free music collaboration app created by keyboardist Marc Kubbinga. The app is a free download for iOS...
MonsterDAW releases Monster Toys, a FREE toy instrument plugin for macOS and Windows. MonsterDAW is the brand behind previous releases...
Plugin Boutique offers the pure:limit intelligent limiter plugin by Sonible as a free add-on with any purchase this month. Who...
Bitwig and PreSonus announce DAWproject, an easier way to share projects between DAW programs. Many of the frustrations of any...
Producer-Secrets is a new messenger channel for music producers, powered by Beat Magazine. Join now to get Xils 3 BE...
Until November 5th, you can redeem the TimeShaper 3 plugin by Cableguys as a free gift for any new member...
Noizplay has released its first plugin called Chord Switch, a free MIDI chord generator for macOS users. According to the...
Florian Mrugalla releases NEL, a freeware vibrato plugin for Windows and macOS. I admittedly know very little about vibrato as...
Vaporizer2 is the flagship hybrid wavetable additive/subtractive synth/sampler workstation from Vast Dynamics, and it’s now open-source. The move to open-source...
ViatorDSP releases Radiant Q, a freeware Pultec equalizer plugin emulation for Windows and macOS. If you’re like me and recovering...