interaction design

The device alone doesn’t matter: Vision Pro is a showcase for Apple’s spatial computing tech

We talk about the Mac, but ultimately the Mac was a vehicle for GUIs - icons, mice, scrolling, toolboxes, painting....

This drum machine turns children’s heartbeats into music, raising visibility of kids’ heart defects

Teenage Engineering and designer Love Hultén worked together on the design for the CHD-4, a drum machine based on electrocardiograms....

Learn modular MetaSounds in Unreal, free, and start thinking in procedural sound

It was once the stuff of dreams -- a patchable, modular environment for sound, synthesis, music, and procedural generative audio....

Ars Electronica, in scale from microcosm to epic, examines a planet on the edge

Ars Electronica is vast - and this year doubly so, as it tackled topics from planetary climate down to microscopic...

Ars Electronica, in scale from microcosm to epic, examines a planet on the edge

Ars Electronica is vast - and this year doubly so, as it tackled topics from planetary climate down to microscopic...

NAP, a free, high-performance data-driven visual and audio platform, is now slicker than ever

Secret sauce? Hardly. It's more like a hot sauce competition with everyone sharing recipes. Naivi'a NAP Framework, if you missed...