Decent Samples Release FREE Korg Phase 8 Sample Library
Decent Samples has released a new free Korg Phase 8 library for the free Decent Sampler. As many of you...
Decent Samples has released a new free Korg Phase 8 library for the free Decent Sampler. As many of you...
Cycling '74 quietly released an update for RNBO, their tool for patching sound for web, plug-ins, and hardware. Here's a...
Vavra, from the developer The Usual Suspects, is a plugin that supports emulations of the Waldorf MircoQ. I’ll come out...
Airwindows has released Consolidated, a free multi-effect plugin that combines 400 effects into one multi-fx plugin. It is hard to...
From the developer White Elephant Audio comes MONSTR, a plugin that provides up to six bands of stereo width control....
From the developer Usual Suspects comes their latest release – OsTIrus, a plugin that supports emulation of the Access Virus...
Astriid released the Ami Sampler, a free 8-bit sampler inspired by the sound of the Commodore Amiga personal computer from...
VCV Rack, the free and open-source virtual module platform, gets a tidy refresh with input cable stackings and cable color...
Ubuntu Studio remains the quickest one-shot way to get at Linux and free software for music, sound, video, media, and...
On Monday, Nakst released the free ExtraBold synth plugin (CLAP and AU formats) for Windows, macOS, and Linux. The developer...