Acid 4 Live: STING by IFTAH generates acid lines for Ableton Live for free
Iftah Gabbi, "the artist formerly known as "iftah from skinnerbox," has built a Max for Live acid line generation tool...
Music Production Information
Iftah Gabbi, "the artist formerly known as "iftah from skinnerbox," has built a Max for Live acid line generation tool...
From the prolific, inventive Max for Live developer Dillon Bastan comes a new instrument that can shape, sing, roar, breathe,...
Sequencer Electronics keeps giving us musical, inventive gadgets for Max for Live, from two of our favorite artists, Gooooose and...
It's incredible this package is free - a full set of fifteen carefully crafted, native-feeling add-ons for Ableton Live that...
Quick! Make visuals for that track! Uh... yeah, normally visual tools aren't nearly as immediate and playable as music ones....
Ableton has released another free Max for Live device. It's cool, it can be useful, it's free (if you have...
Max for Live creator Dillon Bastan has created one of their best yet - automatically using controllable Markov Chains to...
Hotrod your Ableton Live sessions with still more Max for Live freebies. From J74 aka Fabrizio Poce comes a chord...
Now that VCV Rack Pro 2 is here, Rack works properly as a plug-in. And here's an advanced application for...
Futility v4, developed in Max for Live, has just arrived. And it's an incredible timesaver - get channel strip, mixing,...