Spinning scales, melodies, intervals, custom tunings with Eventide’s Misha module
I’m super serial! Eventide has a new sequencer for creating modular melodies and intervals – and it started with twelve-tone...
Music Production Information
I’m super serial! Eventide has a new sequencer for creating modular melodies and intervals – and it started with twelve-tone...
In this first teaser for Liquid Sky's instrument label, the makers promises gear that raises some great questions. Like, what...
Make Noise, the analog synth makers out of North Carolina, have always had a certain hankering for wild and wooly...
Macro promises to be an essential building block for some terrific Reason patches, with a new look for the interface...
It's like ripping some of the delicious goodness out of the Noise Engineering modules and adding them to your DAW...
The music nerd cultural happening - modular pilgrimage is back, and with it... way too much gear to wrap your...
Every so often, a module comes along that just gets straight to the point in a way that hits you...
While we're waiting on VCV Rack 2, Drums is available right now. And not only does it give you a...
After a long silence, VCV reveals some of what's coming in VCV Rack 2, the new edition of the free...
Sure, there are lots of ways to emulate plucked strings and the like in modular. But this one little voice...