Explore game worlds of paper, 16-bit DOS, and soaring music to match, from SunVox creator
No money for a high-end game console? Make it out of paper, code it in 16-bit DOS, and give it...
Music Production Information
No money for a high-end game console? Make it out of paper, code it in 16-bit DOS, and give it...
The worlds of gaming, “play,” and electronic music have always been in an extended flirtation. A deep collaboration between Capcom...
Now at 1.0, Videosync from Showsync is a deep Max for Live visual engine, complete with integration with Ableton Live's...
If you hadn't already noticed that machine learning is hugely helpful for assisting 3D tasks, here's a Pontiac Trans Am...
So, speaking of NVIDIA goodies and why they're powerful for artists - Notch just added support for all those NVIDIA...
Even as NVIDIA has a keynote with simulated robots making the rounds of a BMW factory, some of the GPU...
It's the ultimate neo-futuristic concept album, complete with invented language for the lyrics ("Mondoneoh") and a protaganist known as Dragon...
Techno palace Berghain has never been so adorable as in the work of illustrator Virginie Kypriotis. And now you can...
Someone sucked Bochum, Duisburg, and Dortmund into a digital realm full of VR air pollution visualization - and in the...
Somewhere at the border of granular synthesis, 3D immersion, and game engines, the Fracture Space team have built a compelling...