Endlesss Studio Cloud-Connected Looping Platform Now Available For MacOS
Endlesss Studio is a new cloud-connected system that's designed to let you create music and collaborate across iOS & MacOS...
Endlesss Studio is a new cloud-connected system that's designed to let you create music and collaborate across iOS & MacOS...
Here we go with a list of… lists. This year we rounded up some of our favourite tech, tools, techniques...
We’re back with another Friday Forum Live, this time delving into the magic behind Roland’s Roland Cloud devices, more specifically focussing...
Universal Audio aka UA have unveiled their new ground-breaking free software, LUNA. To celebrate its release, our Head of Education...
Universal Audio aka UA have unveiled their new ground-breaking free software, LUNA. To celebrate its release, our Head of Education...
Ah yes, the studio – the place where we feel safe, motivated and, best of all, creative. Whilst we are...
As a musician, working with different types of synths can be a rewarding way to experiment with electronic music production...
Point Blank Music School has a long history of providing high-quality online Music Production, DJ and Music Industry courses. We...
If you’re a music producer, developing strong techniques for sound design is hands-down the best way to manufacture the tones...
Audio mastering is one of the dark arts – equal parts critical listening, esoteric sound science, and magic touches made...