Verberate 2 realistic simulation of real acoustical spaces and mechanical plates on sale at 25% OFF
Plugin Boutique has announced an exclusive sale on the Verberate 2 algorithmic reverb plugin by Acon Digital Audio. On sale...
Plugin Boutique has announced an exclusive sale on the Verberate 2 algorithmic reverb plugin by Acon Digital Audio. On sale...
Audio-Technica has unveiled the ATH-M50xPB Professional Monitor Headphones and ATH-M50xBTPB wireless over-ear headphones, limited-edition purple/black versions of its popular ATH-M50x...
Native Instruments released Community Drive, a freely downloadable charity sound collection that includes royalty-free audio loops, samples, and virtual instrument...
Soundbox continues with the killer bass music trend with its London Drip sample pack, a fully-loaded, heavy-duty pack dedicated to...
Arturia has announced the release of firmware update V1.1 for its MiniLab MkII portable 25-note velocity-sensitive slimkey controller. Designed with...
Goldbaby Productions has launched its annual July Sale, offering a 40% discount on its drum machine collections and synth sample...
Mootant has launched a collection of 10 starter kits for Maschine with its new collection Midnight Manoeuvre, featuring carefully crafted...
Ample Sound has announced an update to two of its acoustic bass instruments. Ethno Ukulele III version 3.2 and China...
Plughugger has returned with another exclusive free sample pack! This time around, Carl sat down with the Crave analog semi-modular...
Impact Soundworks has announced the release of its definitive SID chip plugin inSIDious, a virtual synthesizer created by Mike Clarke...