Save 50% on MFreeformEqualizer, MModernCompressor, MPhatik and MStereoSpread
Plugin Boutique is offering a 50% discount on selected Meldaproduction audio plugins as part of its Eternal Madness Sale. MFreeformEqualizer...
Plugin Boutique is offering a 50% discount on selected Meldaproduction audio plugins as part of its Eternal Madness Sale. MFreeformEqualizer...
Audentity Records has announced the launch of its 2020 Summer Sale, offering a 50% discount on all of its samples...
Welcome to our roundup of mixes you need to hear this month, where we spotlight some of the best that...
SampleScience has released Cassette Roads, a freeware electric piano instrument featuring that was resampled from an audio cassette. Cassette Roads...
Splice has released three new sample packs on its Splice Sounds imprint. Oshi presents “this pack is sick” Vol. 1...
Relab Development has announced the launch of its Summer Sale, offering a 50% discount on all of its individual reverb...
Prime Loops has announced the release of its latest value collection. The Cinematic Bundle features over 7GB of signature movie...
Noise Makers has announced the release of Ambi Eyes, a free 360 video player add-on for the Ambi Head HD...
TD Audio has launched its latest sample collection Psy-Trance Evolution, comprising 7 major production kits with loads of classic Psy-Bass...
2Rule has announced the release of TwoRuleFilter, a self-resonant Moog type filter effect plugin for Mac. Based on 2RuleFilter, the...