Machinedrum, repatched: Cycling ’74 doing fun stuff with RNBO
Take a Raspberry Pi, add a delicious web editor in RNBO, and then - go nuts controlling the iconic Elektron...
Take a Raspberry Pi, add a delicious web editor in RNBO, and then - go nuts controlling the iconic Elektron...
Cycling '74 quietly released an update for RNBO, their tool for patching sound for web, plug-ins, and hardware. Here's a...
Cycling '74's Max 8.6 is out now, bringing a ton of fun, musical stuff to the open-ended music and media...
Max programmers can now export effects they create to the H9000 multi-effects processor… Read More Eventide H9000 Now Supports RNBO...
You might have missed it or thought this was about Push, but RNBO is included for all Max for Live...
You've seen various Max Devices for Ableton Live; ever wanted to try building your own? Ableton has just released a...
Cycling ’74 has introduced RNBO - a new patching environment that lets you use a visual editor to create patches...
The new Max thing Cycling '74 has been teasing is here, and it's pronounced "rainbow." Maybe the easiest way to...
Cycling '74 - developers of Max, Max For Live and other media tools - is teasing something new.… Read More...