SSL release GateVerb plug-in
The latest addition to SSL's ever-expanding software line-up is dedicated to creating gated reverb effects.
The latest addition to SSL's ever-expanding software line-up is dedicated to creating gated reverb effects.
JMG Sound and United Plugins have announced the release of what they say is the ultimate distortion plug-in.
Dystorpia is Noise Engineering's first foray into guitar pedals and is said to offer an entirely unique approach to digital...
Kiive Audio’s latest plug-in promises to bring mixes to life with its combination of musical-sounding EQ and three distinct types...
UA's new ANTI 1992 High Gain Amp pedal captures the sound of a 120W high-gain amplifier used by the likes of...
Universal Audio have announced that they are offering their vintage-inspired Century Tube Channel Strip as a free download for a limited time.
The first compressors to join the KIT Plugins lineup offer two takes on one of Blackbird Studios' most prized outboard...
Warm Audio's new website promises to deliver a completely new visitor experience, and includes some handy new features and tools.
Techivation's latest AI-series plug-in is described as an intelligent attack enhancer that’s been designed to make any sound stand out...
A new version of the Live Pack II bundle has arrived, offering support for Waves and Fourier Audio's VST3 host systems...