Watch Unreal Engine make low-latency visualizations, thanks to Arthur Barthur
At the meeting point of physics simulation, 3D visualization, and modular audio inside Unreal Engine, there's Arthurs Audio BPs. And...
Music Production Information
At the meeting point of physics simulation, 3D visualization, and modular audio inside Unreal Engine, there's Arthurs Audio BPs. And...
With community radio and online features, the metaverse in cities like Chengdu and Shanghai continues to be a conduit for...
Vinyl, then digital... now meet meta-DJing. OÍR by Moisés Horta Valenzuela imagines what would happen if one machine learning-powered DJ...
Here's another great underground DAW. The elegant, tape-inspired MultitrackStudio runs on desktop and iPad - and now not only does...
Miller Puckette, the original creator of Max and Pure Data, has been working on keeping connected remotely, too. In this...
Resolve 17 quietly exited beta recently – then turned heads by releasing a speedy Apple Silicon M1 version, too. That...
The age of YouTube channels about stomp pedals now has its own... well, not quite Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat...
Bored by the Grammys? Try the Guthmans instead. The Guthman Musical Instrument Competition has selected its award winners, as musicians...
One tool gives you 8-bit retro digital sound effects ("bitcrush"/decimator) with loads of extras, for kind of every platform you...
Music gear and software supports MIDI. Visual software supports OSC. You have a network and want to easily run MIDI...