Inside the new Ableton Push: all the technical details so far, from I/O to Max for Live
The new Push represents a technical leap forward for Ableton, both in terms of its upgradeable, Intel-based standalone architecture and...
The new Push represents a technical leap forward for Ableton, both in terms of its upgradeable, Intel-based standalone architecture and...
Ableton today introduced their long-awaited third-generation Push hardware. The layout and functionality are familiar, but there's new hardware including new...
Meanwhile, at Roland... Check your bingo cards, because I've got ... "the 1980s..." ... "digital" ... "Roland rackmount digital delays"...
In the midst of lots of splashy effects, Soundtoys' latest is an exercise in subtlety and precision. These plates are...
"Check it out." It's just The Kids in the Hall's Bruch McColloch and a BOSS DR-660, "the hottest drum and...
Okay, forget the vaporware "metaverse" business. You can open a browser tab and use this right now (in beta). Create,...
Universal Audio, which now make native plug-ins you can run anywhere (not on specialized hardware), has a couple of new...
Molli Looper is a new quick-looping tool you can use standalone or drop in any iOS host. It's always on,...
Liquid Sky d-vices have unveiled their warped limited-edition modular hardware: a dual oscillator with 8-bit wavetables and analog envelopes and...
Tom Whitwell, the human who previously blogged about music tech, has turned his attention to just making gear instead under...