KORG SQ-64 poly sequencer now on $199.99 Reverb fire sale in USA only
KORG is again moving a big volume of gear through Reverb.com on a steep discount, with the SQ-64 polyphonic sequencer...
Music Production Information
KORG is again moving a big volume of gear through Reverb.com on a steep discount, with the SQ-64 polyphonic sequencer...
Module makers Lenny and Clarissa are making a name for their After Later Audio line. Up for fall: all the...
Amidst a sea of plug-ins modeling the same gear, Dials not only breaks from the pack but proves Hainbach's beloved...
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The modular world this month pivots to Befaco's hometown Barcelona, and they were ready to host the home game. Pony...
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Designed by Aphex Twin, Samplebrain takes a new approach to samples - chopping up audio into a "brain" of little...
Kick, snare, hat, tom, and sequencer - the makers of Max remind us that patching your own drum machine gives...
Ars Electronica is vast - and this year doubly so, as it tackled topics from planetary climate down to microscopic...