Helm VST Plugin
Helm is a free synthesizer VST plugin for Windows, Mac, and Linux
Helm is a free synthesizer VST plugin for Windows, Mac, and Linux
Plugin Boutique has launched an exclusive promotion on Excite Audio’s effect plugin designed to modulate space and time. Offered at...
Blackstar Amplification has recently released a new audio plugin based on the Blackstar JJN 50 valve head. Designed in collaboration...
u-he has announced the release of an update to its Zebra2 synthesizer instrument. Version 2.9.4 adds CLAP plugin formats, support...
Regular contributor Aphelion’s Orbit is back with a review of Time Off Audio’s first audio plugin. What is it? A...
Tone Empire has announced an update to its transparent, analog-style compressor plugin. Version 2.5 of OptoRED comes with optimized CPU...
808 Bass Module 2 Lite is a free 808 bass ROMpler
808-ROMpler is a free bass drum sampler VST plugin for Windows and
Ample Guitar M Lite II is a free guitar VST plugin
Serpo is a free Rompler VST plugin for Windows and Mac