Mu Compressor By Pulsar Audio Is On Offer
Plugin Boutique are offering a deal on Mu by Pulsar Audio for a limited time, now available for only £79.96...
Music Production Information
Plugin Boutique are offering a deal on Mu by Pulsar Audio for a limited time, now available for only £79.96...
FeelYourSound have released HouseEngine 2, available in 2 tiers with intro pricing which end July 31st. Version 1 users can...
Puremagnetik are offering The Spectral Suite for only $15.00, (usually $80.00). The offer is only valid for this week!! Spectral...
Plugin Boutique are offering 50% off LARGO 2, now available for only £68.40 / $87.83, (usually £136.79 / $175.64). There...
Soundly have made Shape It available as a FREE download. Shape It, the new equalizer in Soundly has quickly become...
Plugin Boutique have reduced the price of Beat Scholar by Modalics for a limited time, now only £69.00 / $88.60,...
Audio Plugin Deals are offering 83% off the Dutch Harpsichord by Realsamples for a limited time, now only $19.95, (usually...
Plugin Boutique are offering 50% off Nest by Sugar Bytes for a limited time, now only £42.95 / $55.15, (usually...
Soundiron have released Vintage Keys Collection, available for $152.00. Vintage Keys Collection is an epic compendium of sampled analog synthesizers, electric...
Plugin Boutique have updated and discounted Scaler EQ for a limited time, now only £45.00 / $57.78, (usually £59.00 /...